
The hedgehog was engaged in a fight with

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The Impact of Science on our Society

Science is a magical thing. Science has given us everything we have today. From the crutches under our arms, to the fire keeping us warm at night. Science is one of the things that have evolved our society and enabled us to do what we can do today. But what exactly did science do? How did science affect our current society? The impact of science on human society has been extraordinary. Throughout history, it has answered many important questions that were once thought to be mere speculation. It has equipped us with knowledge and understanding which, in turn, has allowed...

Social Clubs You Should Join at University

You're at university and wondering what social clubs you should join. Well, that's amazing. You've just entered a whole new world of opportunities! One thing you should do is to make sure you join a few clubs. These kinds of clubs make the experience more fun and improve your social life massively. Joining a social club is a great way to meet new people and create memories that last a lifetime. It can be hard to find the right one for you, but once you do you'll definitely want to join. Here are some social clubs that you might want...

How Is Social Media Changing Our Society?

They say usually the kids are the first to adapt to any new change. But even when it comes to this digitized era, we can clearly see how social networks and social media are changing our society and relatively fast. We are all aware of the statistics and facts about this new phenomenon. According to surveys made, around 700m people use Twitter or some other social networking site at a given time. Obviously, yes, Facebook is one of the top social networks of choice for users but Twitter holds a special place too. Social media has changed our world in...

What Is Social Change?

So what is social change? It's a bit difficult to conceptualize for some the first time around. We tend to think of it in big movements such as the great society programs of the 1960s, or perhaps more recently with some of the Arab Spring movements. Or we see it on the news as when coverage shows up of a conflict of a group trying to bring about social change. Social change, in the most basic term, is known as the process of altering a culture or society. This type of change is generally created by people and can come...

Why Sports Are Important in our Society

Aren't sports just for high school and college kids? Or are they for all ages including adults? How important are sports to society? These aren't rhetorical questions. Since the first Modern Olympic Games were held in 1896, there has been an ongoing debate about the importance of sports, recreation, and physical fitness to every individual. Teaching teamwork Sports are a great way to build teamwork skills. When you play a sport, you have to learn how to work with people who have different strengths and weaknesses than you do. You need to understand that sometimes the person who's better at...

Ways You Can Contribute to Society Now

The world is a wonderful place. But it can be even more wonderful, and I'm not talking about a new iPhone or the latest season of Game of Thrones. I'm talking about you, and how you can contribute to society now. We've all been there: you're sitting at home, watching TV or scrolling through Instagram, when suddenly you have an idea for some kind of contribution to your community or local government. You might be thinking about volunteering at your favorite animal shelter or organizing a clothing drive for your school's homeless population. And then you think, "Should I really...

Are Humans the major cause of global warming?

How much do you think you know about global warming? To start, let's put the question "Are humans the major cause of global warming?" into perspective. Human impact on global climate has come into the discussion as rapidly developing countries become industrialised. The effects that could be far stronger than previously expected. Let's dive deeper into this. What exactly is climate change? Climate change is the long-term change in the Earth's climate. It is caused by many different factors, including human activities and natural processes. The global average temperature has risen about 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.8 degree Celsius) since 1901,...