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What Is Social Change?

So what is social change? It’s a bit difficult to conceptualize for some the first time around. We tend to think of it in big movements such as the great society programs of the 1960s, or perhaps more recently with some of the Arab Spring movements. Or we see it on the news as when coverage shows up of a conflict of a group trying to bring about social change. Social change, in the most basic term, is known as the process of altering a culture or society. This type of change is generally created by people and can come in a few shapes: social movements and social activism. Social activism is the process in which people address injustice, inequality, or unfairness within society with the intent to create fundamental change. Likewise, social movements are any group-organized activity that promotes or resists social change. Although it’s not a quick process, social change can begin with one person who thinks outside of the box and speaks out on what needs to be changed.

What is social change?

Social change is a concept that has been around for a very long time. People have been trying to make their communities better through social change since ancient times. It is a way of bringing about positive and lasting improvements to people’s lives and to the world in general. The idea of social change is actually very simple, but it can be difficult to accomplish because it involves changing the way that people think and act. For example, if you want to make your community a safer place, then you may need to convince all of the people in your town or city that they should no longer leave their doors unlocked at night and that everyone should start locking their doors now instead of waiting until after they’ve been robbed or burglarized first (which could take weeks). This kind of change requires an individual’s willingness both to accept responsibility for themselves as well as for others; otherwise, it won’t work. Social change can also involve making changes within yourself instead of just around you—like when you decide not to drink alcohol anymore because seeing other people drunk makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe around them.

The history of social change

The Declaration of Independence gave birth to an idea called “democracy,” which means “rule by people.” Democracy has been around since ancient Greece (when it was called democracy), but this new type of democracy was different because it meant that every citizen had equal political power—that no one person would be treated better than anyone else.

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