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Social Clubs You Should Join at University

You’re at university and wondering what social clubs you should join. Well, that’s amazing. You’ve just entered a whole new world of opportunities! One thing you should do is to make sure you join a few clubs. These kinds of clubs make the experience more fun and improve your social life massively. Joining a social club is a great way to meet new people and create memories that last a lifetime. It can be hard to find the right one for you, but once you do you’ll definitely want to join. Here are some social clubs that you might want to consider joining during your time at university.

Model UN

You may have heard of Model UN and wondered what it’s all about. Model UN is a simulation of the United Nations, where students from around the world meet to discuss global issues and learn about diplomacy. It’s a great way to get involved in your community and learn more about other cultures. If you’re wondering whether or not you should join a Model UN club at your university, here are 5 reasons why we think it’ll be worth your while:

1. You’ll meet new people. Model UN provides an opportunity for students from different backgrounds to come together and build lasting relationships. Many students who participate in Model UN end up staying in touch after graduation!

2. It’ll look great on your resume. If you want to work in international relations or politics someday, having a good understanding of the United Nations will help you stand out from other candidates when applying for jobs at embassies or other organizations with international ties.

3. You’ll develop valuable skills that can be used in any career path—not just politics! Communicating clearly and diplomatically is something anyone can use as an advantage in their professional life, no matter what industry they’re working in.

Join a band

Imagine this: you’re hanging out with your friends at a loud party. There are tons of people milling about and talking, but you’re not really paying attention—you’re too focused on your phone. Then, suddenly, a song comes on that you know all the words to. You join in with everyone else in singing along, and it’s like you’ve never felt so connected with other people before. It’s an incredible feeling, and it’s one that can come from joining a band! It doesn’t matter if you’re good at singing or playing instruments; all that matters is that music brings people together and makes them feel like they belong somewhere.

And if you think about it, there might be no better place to find music than at university (other than maybe karaoke night!). There are tons of different types of bands at university—from jazz ensembles to marching bands—and each one has its own unique culture. Joining a band will give you a chance to see what it’s like being part of something bigger than yourself while also creating memories that will last forever!


If you’re looking to expand your horizons and meet new people at university, a theater club is your best bet. Theater clubs are great because they give you an opportunity to explore a new creative outlet that can be just as fulfilling as any other extracurricular activity you could join. Plus, it’s a great way to meet like-minded individuals who share your passion for the arts!

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