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How Is Social Media Changing Our Society?

They say usually the kids are the first to adapt to any new change. But even when it comes to this digitized era, we can clearly see how social networks and social media are changing our society and relatively fast. We are all aware of the statistics and facts about this new phenomenon. According to surveys made, around 700m people use Twitter or some other social networking site at a given time. Obviously, yes, Facebook is one of the top social networks of choice for users but Twitter holds a special place too. Social media has changed our world in many ways. People are spending more time on social networks than ever before. Today, there are more than 2 billion active users of social networks around the world and this number is still rising. So how is it changing our society?

Constant social evolution

Social media is changing our society, and it’s changing it in a big way. It’s not just the way we communicate with each other anymore—it’s also the way we consume information. We can get news updates from the people who are interested in sharing them, rather than having to go through the filter of traditional media outlets. We can get more personal and creative content that helps us connect with other people more deeply, on a level that wasn’t possible before. And we’re able to do all of this from anywhere at any time!

But how exactly is social media changing our society? Let’s take a look at some of the ways you might be able to see these changes in your own life.

Contacting family and friends

On one hand, it’s made it easier than ever to keep in touch with people you love, no matter where they are in the world. But on the other hand, it has also changed the way we interact with them. These days, when you’re talking to a friend or family member on social media (especially if they live far away), it can feel like you’re having an actual conversation—but that might not always be true. While it’s true that social media makes it easier for us to stay in touch with loved ones who live far away, it also changes the way we interact with them. In fact, many experts believe that social media has actually made us less empathetic than before! That’s because while technology makes our lives easier in some ways, it also makes us more disconnected from what’s really going on around us—and even from ourselves!


Social media has changed our society in countless ways—for better and for worse. One of the biggest concerns is the effect it has on mental health. A recent study found that the more time you spend on social media, the more likely you are to experience depression. The study involved over 14,000 participants aged 16-79 years old who completed a questionnaire about their use of social media and other online platforms. The participants were asked how often they used each platform, how much time they spent using them each day, and if they had ever felt distressed about their use of these platforms. The results showed that those who spent more than two hours a day on social media were twice as likely to report symptoms of depression than those who spent less than 30 minutes per day. 

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